Monday, April 25, 2011

How we roll.

boats and hoes.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Paul is now 21. He is currently at Walmart purchasing things he formerly could not. I am rather deep into the evening by now and should not be writing blog posts. Screw it, you only live once.

In honor of our great friend's birthday:

Forrest's doppelganger of Paul:
Evan's doppelganger of Paul:

Vote for the best one in the comments. Goodnight motherfuckers.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Those Silly Chinamen

Right, so, you know those people across the pond (the other pond) who manufacture all our stuff and lend our government all its money?  Well, joke's on them (ha?) because, apparently, the beer we all recognize as so bad it can only be consumed either (a) ironically or (b) after cashing your welfare check is, to them, a delicacy.

I'm not lying, I heard it from The New Yorker!

And, no, your eyes were not lying to you when you read that price.  In a land where the average beer costs two dollars, the beer so nice you taste it twice costs nearly four times as much as a good bottle of wine.  So, next time you find yourself let down by the sub-par beer at a party, keep in mind that there's some poor guy in China who lost his right arm in a factory accident just sold his left to a body exhibit so he might afford a bottle of such ambrosia.

So, cheers.  We may end up owing our firstborn children to the Chinese, but at least we'll know what a good beer is.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Garrett's idea of a *proper* seat belt for Kate.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"What Midterms Have Driven the Men of the Wall To," or "Are You As Prepared For Break As We Are?"

Yes, that is the equivalent of 100 beers. Stay thirsty my friends.